Sunday, January 25, 2015

21-day Check-In

Sometime back in September or October, I purchased the Beachbody 21-day Fix program.  (Note:  I am absolutely not trying to advertise the program; just wanted to provide a link that could give info on the program.  Unfortunately, Beachbody is one big commercial.)  I took it out of the box, I washed the containers and nothing.  Oddly enough, you actually have to USE the contents of the box.  *gasp*

As part of my "New Year" goals, I wanted to take back some control and put my body back into a  healthy state.  January 1, I popped in the DVD and started in on the first ~30 min video along with tracking my calorie intake.  For the first round (21 days), I focused on making a routine of working out.  I did not even bother with the meal plan.  I felt like it would just be way too much work and change for me to take on.  Really, this is knowing myself and everything else I have going on.  

The workouts were perfect.  No, I didn't enjoy every move.  I still find burpees to be torturous and side dip planks (or whatever they're called) just suck.  What I like was they were only about 30 minutes start-to-finish and each exercise was only for a minute before a brief rest.  This meant, the activity changed before I became overly bored or discouraged.  I didn't feel like I was being yelled at Jillian Michaels style.  Yes, Autumn pushes you, but in a way that really puts the accountability on you.  "Don't cheat; the only one you are cheating is yourself."  "Just be better than you were yesterday."  Each time I did a workout, I did better; more reps, less modification, less stopping in a set.  As much as there were days I was tempted to skip, I sucked it up and put in the 30 minutes.  

My actual numbers really aren't important for anybody aside from my physicians and myself.  That said, I will share, my starting body fat was 32% and BMI was 29.  After 21-days, they are now down to 31% and 28, respectively.  (I used the calculators on  The was after a loss of 9.4 lbs and 6-3/4 inches.  This is the first time I have any sort of tracking other than weight (and how my clothes fit!).  

I'm starting a second 21-day cycle.  This time, will try to follow the meal plan and see if it makes a difference.  I'm also trying to use heavier weights for some of he exercises.  I'll report back how it goes.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's a Clean Slate!

With a new year brings the proverbial clean slate.  The last few years, I skipped the whole "resolutions" thing and opted to make goals for myself.  Resolutions feel so all-or-nothing to me.  Goals feel more positive and encouraging to me.  They are something at which to strive and work toward.  Every year, I do a little better.   The family eats healthier more and more; we get more activity.

That said, what are my measurable personal goals for this year?

  • Run 300 miles.  I need to rekindle my love of running.  Thanks to MapMyRun, I'll be able to keep track and see how I'm doing.  No (so far) races to train for, so this will be a challenge.
  • Get my numbers back to healthy ranges.  This means getting in the "good" stuff and ditching so much of the "bad" stuff.  I'm tracking via MyFitnessPal (for now--suggestions on something better?) so I can see how some of this goes.
  • Read more.  I read 42 books last year and some of those were reading to my girls, so don't quite think they count.  If I recall, I set out to read 50 books.  We'll see if I can manage it this year. I use Goodreads for that.  
  • Craft more.  Seriously, I must get projects started and finished.  My craft closet is almost at max capacity.  The attempt to reduce my stash was not very successful (understatement of the moment!).  
  • Finish "things."  I have seven books started and a myriad of craft projects (including, two quilts, four needlepoint projects, and a skirt) in progress.  There is a pile of mending to be done, too.  It's lofty to think I would complete everything started, but progress is the goal.  

My craft closet.  There is quilt batting hiding behind the sunlight--that's not empty space.
  • Teacher training--ugh--so far behind.  I want to get a at least have of my personal practice hours done and a quarter (minimum) of my practice teaching and observation hours.  
I'll try to update on how I'm doing as the year progresses.  Stay tuned for updates on my healthy goals (already started on them).  Also, I started my Burnside Tunic.  We'll see if I can figure out the pattern.