Friday, January 1, 2016

Good-bye and Good Riddance

If the fact that I started this post last night and only just now posting is any indication....I'm happy to say "Adios!" to 2015 and "Hellooooo 2016." 
It isn't that it was an all-around bad year; it was just a year with a lot of change and challenge thrown at me.  Don't get me wrong; Change is good and sometimes a good challenge helps to break monotony.  There is a fine balance between having too much, though, especially for those (like me) who struggle to maintain some sense of identity aside from "wife," "mom" and "employee." 
I didn't achieve most of the goals I set for the year, but there really isn't a reason to go into detail or dwell upon it.  Rather, best to focus on the positive.  I did manage to accomplish quite a bit with sewing and crafting.  The quilt I started forever ago is done and nicely upon our bed.  The 2012 BOM just needs to be quilted.  A few other little things complete, too. 
So for 2016--the goal is to find contentment and appreciate a least one small thing everyday.