Yeah, we all know the saying "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." Seriously, I've probably put in an expressway just with my summer plans. So here are my contributions to highway to Hell.
1. We will have grown-up and healthy meals. Yeah, ok, why cook when we can go out to dinner and have a peaceful grown-ups only meal? I think there was even a meal that consisted of ice cream and nothing else. And if you think I'm exaggerating, just ask my husband how much food we've had in the house.
2. I will get some de-cluttering done. Let's just leave this as, it didn't happen.
3. I will exercise including run. This didn't happen, either. In my defense, we had a ton of rain the start of summer and then it turned hot and humid. Fine, yes I could have gotten on the treadmill (but I did see a creepy crawly thing go underneath, so...)
4. Practice and observe Pilates. I had a week of vacation, took my Pilates mat notes and...they never made it out of my backpack. Oddly, I found my evenings pretty busy, too. I am such a slacker.
5. I will sew. No little people around should have meant I could get tons done because I could leave it out for days on end without risk of a little person interacting with sharp objects. The first step would be actually getting the sewing machine out of the closet. Hint: It's still in the closet.
All that said, I do have to say, there are a few moments of redemptions.
I didn't sew or do much crafting, but I did make a few Minion hats. The ones with strings are for my Minions. The one on the baby doll was a request for a baby hat.

I didn't sew or do much crafting, but I did make a few Minion hats. The ones with strings are for my Minions. The one on the baby doll was a request for a baby hat.

My vacation time also let me take some nice walks with said Minions. was also a week away from work that was very much needed. A whole week without logging into a computer for a anything.
Summer is almost over, but we'll be back into the school routine soon and hopefully, that will help get me back into a little bit more structure, too. So, for now, let's consider the current road construction problem to be on hold. Kind of like those other highway projects that go on for seemingly ever.