"D" is for destash and declutter. The last few weeks, I've been really trying to bust through my yarn stash. There are a few Craftsy mystery yarn packs that left me with yarns I have no idea what to do with. So....this meant scouring Ravelry for patterns and ideas. I have a number of projects queued up and yarn assigned. Still a few out there, but at least making progress. Here are a few things I managed to finish up:
This "Airy Scarf" is a pattern in a "Last Minute Knitted Gifts" book I have. It is supposed to be shorter (more like a neckerchief kind of thing), but I opted to use the whole hank of yarn. This is a chocolate brown mohair. It was scratchy, but after a soak, it is so much softer. I like how it turned out.
This was from a pattern "Shazam." It's has a chevron look to it (when blocked properly) and is from a Rowan chunky yarn (now discontinued) that self stripes. I really like the colors in this.
These two are from a yarn in a mystery pack. I can't recall it's name (and don't feel like looking it up), but I do NOT like it. These two projects ("Squiddly" and "Snood") were just quickly done up to get rid of it. I doubt I'll wear the first (though, I have a little princess that will love to dress up with it) and the second I do wear since it dresses up a t-shirt a tad when I feel lazy dressing for work (which is most days).

I whipped up this "Wrap it up" cowl, too. It was much tighter when I finished stitching it. It loosened up a ton after I soaked it (per photo). At first, I was sort of bummed that it was ruined, but then I realized I kind of liked it. My mother-in-law liked it, too, so I gave it to her. Seriously, how many scarves, cowls and what-not can I really keep for myself.
And, just for fun, I whipped up these little cars for the girls. They aren't well done, but make me think of something from Dr. Seuss. Let's be honest, they don't really care. They ask for something and then it's more like "haha..it's fun to watch Mama make things for us that we don't really care about."
I have a few other projects I'm working on, so stay tuned. Oh, yeah...I'll eventually run and exercise and work on being physically healthy again, too. Just....mental health is more important...yeah, that's it. I'm not lazy (much).