Have you ever had someone who taught something and did such an amazing job that you were doing things you didn't think you would be ready for? Maybe it's just me and my innate ability to under-estimate myself at almost every turn.
I experienced this many times in Pilates where I had anxiety there was no way I could do Russian splits or some crazy one-arm + one-leg now do "x" moves and then was able to do it. (I'm a long way from those days since my diet and exercise habits went on holiday and I'm not sure when they plan to return. I should send out a search party). Great instructors.
More recently, though, I gained a great boost in crafty confidence with my Craftsy class Knit Lab: In the Round. Stefanie Japel is the instructor in this class and also the beginner Knit Lab class I also took. In fairness, I should express my surprise from the first class. It involved lace, increases, decreases, cast-on, bind off...did I mention LACE?! Yeah...and it was EASY.
Anyway, back to my "in the round" class. I haven't done all the projects since I didn't have the needles at the time. DPNs will have to wait another day to be tackled. This meant the first project I did from the class was the Saw Tooth Hat. Never mind this is actually worked w/o a seam (and it fits me!). It has colorwork--something I did not anticipate doing anytime soon.
The last project in the class was a cable and lace cowl. I didn't anticipate having any issues with the lace. It couldn't be that hard (said only because I did lacework in a previous class with Stefanie.) Cables, being in the round and using "special" stash yarn...this was going to be interesting. I did learn I should pay more attention to the written and charted pattern instructions. I missed an element in the lace section, but I'm not upset with it. The cable portion would be better had I read the instructions properly in the first two repeats. A part of me wishes I'd ripped back to where it was right, but, I'm good with it. And the crazy part...I cable knit. Yeah, crazy. I am NOT a good knitter and that I was able to do this...If this is beginner level, I am really afraid to know what "intermediate" and "advanced" patterns are. .
Given my confidence in the last two projects, I opted to switch over to do my Crochet-a-Long workshop I signed up for. It was for a "Chatsworth Cowl." The yarn itself made me nervous. This is a one-skein project and reading the workshop comments, I was a little worried 1) I would run out of yarn 2) I'd make a mistake and the yarn would get caught and I would lose a chunk of it and 3) this would be really hard and I would not be able to do it. I did end up with extra yarn since I crocheted it a bit tight. I still like how it turned out. My first crochet lace and it's wearable. So much so, my Mother-in-Law asked me to make her one. What, what, WHAT???

This has me started on my next anxiety-inducing project. A cardigan (with cap sleeves) for myself. Oh wow...this is going to be interesting. Here is my progress at the end of yesterday (when I started it).
So all of this "yarny" goodness from one great instructor: Stefanie Japel. Love her classes, love her patterns. I don't even think twice if her name is attached to it. That's how great, I think she is. :)
Hope you have the chance to learn something knew and see how scary it really wasn't.