I was passengering in the car on Friday on a little bit of a road trip. Given I had time and daylight, I thought I'd work on one of the penguins I'm crocheting. In the midst of getting things transferred from my work backpack to my car bag, my Furls hook ended up in the trunk. Thankfully, my straight set was in my bag. And while my straight hooks are perfectly fine and they work and I used them for years, those were two long hours without my Furls. It got me thinking....it's easy to take the tools we use for granted.
It's about time these tools get the attention they deserve (in no particular order)
Furls Crochet Hooks (www.furls.com)
Their website claims (in a nutshell) these hooks are a more natural feel and result in less fatigue and such when crocheting. Yeah, I can tell you, it is absolutely NOT in my head; I can sit with these for much longer than standard hooks. My hand doesn't get tired or cramp; my forearm doesn't get sore. I think my stitching is more even, too. Sure, each hook cost somewhere in the same vicinity of my entire interchangeable knitting needles, but....some days comfort (and, ok, these are beautiful!) is worth the price.
The Binding Tool (http://webstore.quiltropolis.net/stores_app/Browse_Item_Details.asp?Shopper_id=5582724174265582&Store_id=399&page_id=23&Item_ID=1500)
I purchased this from Missouri Star Quilt Company, but am sure this can be purchased in other places. To see this tool used and then actually use it to be sure a quilt binding has the proper overlap and such was so nice.
Lantern Moon Knitting Needles
These came in a "mystery knit box" I received (and then a bonus set b/c they shipped an extra knit box instead of something else, but I digress) and I love them. They are just so nice and smooth. They don't have a metal "click" to them, but still a nice soothing sound. Yarn slides along them nicely--not to slick and not too sticky (like plastic).
There are so many other tools I have that I use. My trusty Kenmore sewing machine, Fiskars rotary cutter, mat and rulers, KnitPicks interchangeables (LOVE the color) and so on.
What are your "must have" favorites?